Eight Position Points

Please click on the tabs below to learn more about our Eight Position Points to improve the funding of our public schools.


More Equitable Resource Allocation

Position Point #5: Categorical Funding of Key Instructional Areas

It is essential that funds be protected to pay for non-compensation components that are key to the instructional mission – textbooks, technology, and instructional supplies. Other areas that are “mission critical” must also receive “protected funding” (e.g., transportation, utilities). When budgets need to be cut, for whatever reason, history has shown that these are the areas that end up getting slashed, sometimes to the detriment of the instructional mission. Moving to a funding approach that is more categorical in nature would protect these key instructional areas.

  • The state of North Carolina has funded their schools with state funds since 1933 (The Machinery Act).  For more information on their allotment system, click here.