Eight Position Points

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Center for Michigan Reports on Health Care Pooling

The Center for Michigan has issued a "special report" on health care pooling. Their study benchmarks health care costs in seven states with health care pools to the health care costs in Michigan for state employees.

Their study concludes:

"Overall, benchmarking suggests that states with pools may be finding cost-effective ways to provide health insurance to public employees, potentially leaving tax revenue on the table for other strategic public priorities."

The study does not appear to include Michigan school districts in the study since we are not directly state employees.

The title of this blog posting should take you to the Center's article about their study.

1 comment:

Tom_Goodwin said...

My recollection is that school employees cost less to insure than state employees. If we can all just step back and realize that there are some savings here due to economies of scale maybe "we" as a state can begin to be smarter about how we manage our money.